Soothe your broken heart
Find your way in grief and loss

I help women struggling with emotions and relationships in grief build inner skill to cope well and heal without pseudo-positivity or overwhelm.

Individual therapy offered in-person near Richmond, Virginia and virtually across Virginia and Florida
Small group therapy offered in-person near Richmond, Virginia

Many strong, resourceful, capable, and deeply caring women feel like you do in grief. Despite these strengths, experiencing the loss of a beloved one, identity, or planned future is still earth-shattering, heart-breaking, gut-punching, and isolating. Grief is hard.

When my clients first come in, they often feel depleted by interactions about grief, not knowing whether they will receive a hurtful euphemism or have to manage another person’s feelings while aching inside with heartbreak.

They feel overwhelmed and foggy, not sure if it is the insomnia or the stress or the grief itself causing their thoughts to blur. They struggle to focus and do not feel like themselves.

They crave emotional relief but remember their loss often and feel conflicted about acceptance. They withdraw from friends and hobbies because it is hard to figure out what to say with all the chaos inside.

Their struggles with coping and communication get in the way of the life they want and the mourning they yearn for. They aren’t the version of themselves they want to be and worry they are failing their loved ones and responsibilities.

Before they came to work with me, my clients worried that their feelings were so massive and bad that they needed to be squelched and fixed. They worried that they were failing at supporting others while struggling inside. They were thinking others were judging them, but not more than they were judging themselves. Grief was impossible to ignore and impossible to avoid and they felt stuck.

Like my clients, you can make peace with and build skill around feeling feelings. You can rest and find reprieve, space to breathe, and feel understood. You can align your strengths with your struggles and chart a new course.

Grieving well is not out of your reach.

If your loss clarified that life is not promised, if you want to orient towards what matters in your heart and live meaningfully in this world changed by your loss, I’d love to help you.

Your grief is yours alone, and you do not have to be alone in your grief.

Client Testimonials